Oh boy, oh boy we have been waiting to do this post. I mean we LOVE analyzing people, who doesn’t? Especially in the LA nightlife scene where often times people are too into themselves and completely lack self-awareness after having a few drinks. So let's talk about the types of people we always see out at night. Our list could go on… and on and on, but for now we'll give you just a few.
The "I need to be posey af" girl.
I mean this really drives us insane. We are talking about the girls that go out at night to sit at the table. They sit on top of the booth with their legs crossed, sipping their drinks, usually on their phone with no interest in mingling whatsoever. It’s funny to watch these girls. But honestly pull the stick out of your a** and enjoy your night. We're sorry, but you are getting absolutely nowhere trying to look "sexy" while you take free drinks at a table. What is the point of even going out? You spend all this time getting ready for the night. So get up, move a little and try to mingle. ALSO, NO MAN WANTS TO APPROACH YOU WITH THAT RBF AND BAD ATTITUDE, TRY TO AT LEAST ACT LIKE YOUR HAVING FUN, IT GOES A LONG WAY.
The "I want to talk to you, but don’t know how to approach" guy.
We all know what we are talking about. We have all had that one guy who looks at us all night and you expect him to approach, but nothing happens. Okay girls, this is a two-way street and usually if you feel some connection, so do they. At some point everyone needs to let their pride go and make an effort to mingle, even if it amounts to nothing. This is the reason why it is so hard to meet people in LA because people are too prideful and hate to be rejected. Our philosophy is if someone doesn’t want to take the time to get to know us, no hard feelings. There are seven billion people on this earth. Remember that. So back to men, men if you’re reading this (I hope so, you all need some female advice.) please get out of your heads at night. And by this we mean if you want to talk to someone just approach. Usually you spend time thinking about talking to us before you make any move and totally psych yourself out.
Okay folks we love people watching as much as you do, but there is a way to do it so that you don’t come off as a) creepy b) bitchy. Everyone in LA loves to gawk at each other mostly because they are hoping to see a celebrity. Also, there is an eclectic group of people in LA with unique and cool style - something we honestly love about it here. So yes, we want to look at your outfit . But how about complimenting someone rather than up-down them. If I like your outfit I’m going to say it, otherwise I will look quickly, take note and be done.
The "I need something from you" guy/girl.
We have all met people who show no interest in talking to you because you have no “value” to them. This is sad, but the truth. This happens a lot when you go out because everyone want to know someone who can do them a favor. This is just a part of LA culture and social structure. This aspect of LA was something that really annoyed us when we first moved here. But after some time you adjust to this self-serving behavior and realize that this is what makes you want to hustle and make something out of yourself.
LA nightlife definitely attracts the most interesting and often times annoying a** group of individuals. If you go out at night as much as we do, you've definitely interacted with these types of people. And if you haven't you're either one of them (oops sorry) or you're too drunk to even notice. What other types of people do you meet out at night in LA and what type of person are YOU?
Illustrations by LilacPastel.